Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Benjamin Franklin And John Winthrop - 1651 Words

Benjamin Franklin and John Winthrop, men with different ideals, present the same notion that America should be presented as a â€Å"city upon a hill.† Franklin believed that the American dream should be presented as an ideal where men and women are equal and can both move up in social class on their own, practicing any religion they desired. On the other hand, Winthrop believed that the new world was a religious safe haven only for the Puritans. American Exceptionalism was overall the main focus, guiding America to define itself as a special nation founded upon democratic values and liberty. Benjamin Franklin believed in developing an America that respected all religions and thought the best of each and every other one. He believed that a†¦show more content†¦Franklin had a lot of respect for women, especially in a social setting. He did not a typical man’s perspective about women, he had a different understanding of women and their role in marriage. In his autobiography, Franklin spoke of his wife with compassion and appreciation quoting an English proverb â€Å"He that would thrive must ask his wife† (Franklin 62). Franklin respected his wife for her work ethic and considered himself lucky to such an amazing woman in his life. Through his respect for his wife, Franklin demonstrated a respect for all women and not just their ability to do basic household chores but their ability to perform difficult tasks in the workplace as well. He believed that there was room for women in the American Dream. During this time, women did not have very large roles in society besides being in charge or maintaining the household, but Franklin foreshadowed an America that would have women as a strong part of the workforce and leadership. He had high hopes that women would climb the ranks of society just as men did. Franklin, himself climbed the ranks society â€Å"having emerged from the poverty and obscurity in which [he] was born and bred to a state of affluence and some degree of reputation in the world† (Franklin 27). He had been raised by a humble middle class family, not being promised much wealth or land, forcing him to make a name for himself. Franklin, a man of the enlightenment,Show MoreRelatedPersonal Definition Of Morality By Benjamin Franklin And John Winthrop1208 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"quintessential American†. Benjamin Franklin and John Winthrop created their own set of virtues to live by. Both of the prominent colonists drew from their past experiences, religious beliefs, and their beliefs about the foundation of human nature. Because he took an individualistic approach motivated by divine reward, Benjamin Franklin changed Boston’s idea of virtue from the Puritanical, community based morals set by John Winthrop decades previously. 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The protagonist Captain Amasa Delano, often referred to as the â€Å"good captain,† closely embodies the ideals that not only John Winthrop illustrates in his 1630 sermon, â€Å"A Model of Christian Charity,â €  but Benjamin Franklin describes in his 1784 essay, â€Å"Information to Those Who Would Remove to America.† Delano hails from the city of Duxbury in Massachusetts and in 1799, he sets out with his crew on another voyage where theyRead MoreThe And The Genius Of The Royal Society803 Words   |  4 Pageson the Royal Society describing members in a colloquial manner. He discusses the importance of the Royal Society to history. Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Frank Woodworth Pine. Rahway, NJ: The Quinn Boden Company, 1922. Digital file. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a rich and informative historical text. Benjamin Franklin outlines his work with the Royal Society. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Governance and Leadership Management Governance Structure

Question: Describe about the Governance and Leadership Management for Governance Structure. Answer: Introduction This assignment discusses regarding the governance structure and the leadership approach at Wesfarmers Limited, which is one of the biggest conglomerate companies in Australia (, 2016). During this assignment, the discussion and evaluation first focuses on the existing or current project governance structure of the company and at the same time, the discussion also covers the existing leadership approach of the company. After that, the assignment suggests an appropriate governance structure and leadership approach for the future benefit of the company. Evaluating the current project governance structure The governance structure of a company is the most important factor behind the success of that company. In the annual report of Wesfarmers Limited it has been mentioned that the project governance or the corporate governance structure of the company is satisfactory enough to secure the organizations success. The annual report has also disclosed that the corporate governance of the company has been formulated as per the 3rd edition of ASXs Corporate Governance Council (, 2016). As per the project governance statement of the company, the board of directors is responsible to provide the return to the shareholders at a satisfactory level. At the same time, the board is also committed to meet all the interests of the stakeholders of the company (, 2016). The basic role of the board members of Wesfarmers Limited is to prepare the best strategic direction for the company and to monitor the activities of the employees at management level. Apart from that, the board members of the company aim to increase and protect the interests of the stakeholders of the company. Adams (2016) mentioned that the board of directors of Wesfarmers Limited is committed to provide the best corporate governance practice. The primary responsibility of the Managing Director of the company is to monitor the daily management activities of the company (Sullivan and Gouldson 2016). Due to this, for any kind of mistake or faults in the activities at management level, the Manag ing Director is responsible. The program management at Wesfarmers Limited is also affected by the project governance or corporate governance of the company. Any kind of activity, whether it is at operational level or at managerial level is affected by the project or corporate governance of the company (Haigh 2016). The program management of the company became easier due to the strict corporate governance structure of the company. The project governance regulations at Wesfarmers Limited have suggested maintaining the high transparency level in every program management activity. With the help of the high level governance structure, the mismanagement of the programs can be avoided by the managers of the company (Kilroy and Schneider 2016). The corporate strategies of Wesfarmers Limited are aimed to develop a sustainable business in the international market. The higher management at Wesfarmers Limited has stated that the corporate strategies of the company have been formulated on the basis of the corporate or project structure of the company (Gordon 2015). Some of the corporate strategies of the company are as follows: Provide the best quality product and services to the customers of the company. Provide each information related to the operations of the company to the stakeholders in detail. Provide the proper salary package to the employees at fixed time in each month Maintain the high environmental standard during business operations Maintain a friendly working environment within the company and avoid any kind of conflicting situation (, 2016). If all of the above strategies are evaluated then it can be identified that the strategies are developed in accordance with the corporate governance structure or policies of the company. The proper flow of information and providing high quality products and services clearly indicate that the company wants to meet the interests of the customers and other stakeholders of the company (Swoboda, Elsner and Olejnik 2015). Similarly, providing proper amount of salary at the fixed time indicates that the company wants to meet the interests of the employees also. The strategy of maintaining the environmental standard proves that the company wants to meet the interests of the society, which is also indicated by the corporate governance policies of the company (Mehmood and Hilman 2015). Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be understood that the corporate governance structure at Wesfarmers Limited maintains high corporate standard. However, currently, the corporate governance of the company is facing some issues, which is indicated by the management-employees conflict, customers complains and shareholders dissatisfactions (, 2016). Currently, the frequency of employees-management conflict has increased at Wesfarmers Limited. Richards, Kjrnes and Vik (2016) stated that as the number of employees of the company has increased than the past years, the company is facing trouble in managing the employees. In support of that, Balogh (2016) added that the corporate or project governance structure at Wesfarmers Limited needs to be revised to handle the internal situation at the company. On the other side, in different surveys, it has been identified that many customers of Wesfarmers Limited have stopped to use the products of the company and they stopped to visit at Wesfarmerss outlets (Swerissen and Duckett 2016). This indicates that the company is failure to fulfill the interests of the customers properly, which indicates that the governance of the company is having some faults. At the same time, the surveys also disclosed that the shareholders of the company are dissatisfied to some extent because they are getting the return not at satisfactory level (Biddle 2016). Therefore, from this discussion, it can be said that the management at Wesfarmers Limited needs to improve the corporate or project governance policies or structure as soon as possible. Evaluating the current leadership approach The operational effectiveness of a company depends on the leadership structure or approach of it. In case of Wesfarmers Limited, the leadership approach is strategic leadership (, 2016). The main benefit of this particular leadership approach is the responsibility of the activities is distributed to various people as per the organizational or operational structure of the company. Due to this, the people in the organization become more responsible and their operational effectiveness also enhances (Willmott 2015). At the same time, the flow of information becomes also smooth due to the strategic leadership approach. Gattorna (2015) mentioned that the strategic leadership tool or approach is an effective approach for any strategic project. This is because in this particular strategic leadership approach, the focus is made on each employee separately, which helps to gain the attention of the employees. However, Kilroy and Schneider (2016) stated that in the strategic leadership approach sometimes people take wrong decision, which affects the performance of the company. At the same time, Acker (2015) also commented that in the strategic leadership approach, too much focus is made on the decision of the employees. Due to this sometimes, huge conflicts take place between the employees. At this point of time, it becomes very difficult for the management to choose the decision of any particular employee. Therefore, ultimately the main aim of the leadership approach remains unfulfilled. Moreover, Gordon (2015) stated that the strategic leadership approach is more effective when the company takes any small project, but in order to run the overall business, the strategic leadership approach is not that much effective. Therefore, this is also applicable to the leadership at Wesfarmers Limited also because the leadership style at Wesfarmers Limited depends on the strategic leadership approach. Due to this approach, inter organizational conflicts at the company are increasing day-by-day, which is not good for the company. Moreover, in the strategic leadership approach, the company may face problem, if any dishonest person gets the chance to take decision. Hence, it is important for the company to improve its leadership approach immediately. Suggesting the new governance structure In the above discussion, it has been identified that in Wesfarmers Limited, the corporate or project governance structure and policies are needed to be changed. The company is facing several problems because of the loopholes in the governance structure and policies. Though the annual report of the company states that the corporate governance structure of the company is much good, the problems in the company indicates that there must be some loopholes in the governance structure (Farivar et al. 2016). However, the management of the company can improve the situation by changing the corporate governance structure and policies. In the new corporate governance or program governance structure, the company needs to reshuffle the overall structure of the governance. The head of the corporate governance will be the board of directors of the company. However, the board of directors will be set up as per the suggestions and confirmation of the shareholders (Newman 2015). It will be the prior duty of the board members to fulfill the interests of the shareholders properly. The shareholders of the company will also have the authority to appoint a separate auditing team to audit the financial reports of the company. This will help the company to remain transparent to the shareholders (Willmott 2015). The internal audit committee of the company will be set as per the advice and confirmation given by the shareholders and board members. In the internal audit team, some of the auditors will be appointed by the shareholders of the company and the other auditors will be appointed by the board members of the company. The board of directors of the company will also be responsible for appointing the risk review committee. The main responsibility of the risk review committee will be to assess the risks of the company in a particular year and on the basis of that assessment developing proper strategies to reduce the risks (Swerissen and Duckett 2016). On the other side, the board of directors of the company will also appoint the management team of the company. The board members need to select the best people in the company for the management team. The board members can select the members for management team from the external sources if required. At the same time, the board of directors of the company will also recruit the human resource management and compensation committee and governance committee (Gordon 2015). Therefore, in the above discussion it can be identified that in the new corporate governance structure, the board of directors of the company will be responsible for appointing the different internal management team of the company. However, the monitoring of the day-to-day activities of the company will be done by the lower level management team. The board of directors will only checks or monitors the final reports provided by the management team of the company at the end of each month. This will help the board members to keep a track on the activities of the management team. On the other side, as the shareholders will select the board members, the dissatisfaction level of the shareholders will be reduced to some extent. Apart from the new governance structure, the company will also require to improve the corporate governance strategies. The new corporate governance strategies of the company must consider the followings: The interests of the other stakeholders must be fulfilled properly. The information of the company must be reached to the investors and other stakeholders on right time and in detailed manner (Haigh 2016). The employees must work as a team and no internal conflict must be presented at the workplace. Regular verification of the financial statements must be done by the management team. Proper training and guidance must be provided to the employees at regular interval (Newman 2015). Therefore, if the company considers these needs at the time of preparing the corporate governance strategies, then it can be expected that the problems of the company will be solved easily. Suggesting the new leadership approach The discussion in the study has identified that the management at Wesfarmers Limited is currently following the strategic leadership approach. This particular approach is much effective for the success of the company (Biddle 2016). However, there are some problems with this approach, for which the company is facing and may face some problems. In order to avoid any kind of problem related to the leadership style, the company can change its leadership approach. The management of Wesfarmers Limited can adopt the participative leadership style. The participative leadership style is very effective in any kind of business organization. In participative leadership, the management of the company asks the employees to provide their views regarding any particular matter. However, the final decision of the company is taken by the management after considering all the views of the employees (Kjrnes and Vik 2016). Due to this, the decision or the strategies of the management become much effective and at the same time, the employees feel valuable to the company. Another positive side of participative leadership approach is that this particular leadership style is accepted by everybody within the organization (Gordon 2015). This ultimately helps in reducing the internal conflicts among the employees as well as between the employees and management. The morale of the employees can also be enhanced with the help of this particular leadership approach. This is very important factor behind the success of a company. Moreover, if the company applies the participative leadership approach, the employees will be motivated to provide their creative and innovative ideas to the management. Acker (2015) believed that the participative leadership style is very effective for increase the employees retention rate. As the employees of the company remain satisfied because of participative leadership style, they turn to loyal employees and do not want to leave the organization easily. Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be said that if the management at Wesfarmers Limited applies the participative leadership style, then they can run the business more effectively. The problem of internal conflicts among the employees and between the management and employees can be solved. At the same time, the management can easily motivate the employees in improving the performance level of the company. Therefore, it will be better for Wesfarmers Limited if it applies the participative leadership style. Conclusion In this study, it has been identified that the current governance structure and the leadership style at Wesfarmers Limited are much effective. The current governance structure of the company is focused on fulfilling the interests of the stakeholders. The board of directors of the company takes several steps to improve the performance level of the company and meet each requirement of the shareholders. However, currently, the company is facing some issues, which indicate that the governance structure and policies need to be changed as soon as possible. The study has recommended a possible governance structure, which the company can adopt to improve the current organizational situation and satisfy the stakeholders in better way. The study has also identified that the current leadership approach of the company is based on the strategic leadership approach. However, in this approach there are some loopholes, which can negatively affect the performance of the company. However, the situation can be improved by adopting the participative leadership approach. Reference list: Acker, C.D., 2015. Convergence: The Making of the Canning Stock Route Project and Yiwarra Kuju Exhibition.Cultural Studies Review,21(1), p.177. Adams, M.A., 2016. Contemporary case studies in corporate governance failures.Governance Directions,68(6), p.335. Balogh, A., 2016. Does Life-Cycle Influence Board Composition?.Browser Download This Paper. Biddle, I., 2016. The Wesfarmers/Woolworths duopoly war: The Bunnings vs. Masters battle.Busidate,24(3), p.3. Farivar, F., Farivar, F., Scott-Ladd, B. and Scott-Ladd, B., 2016. Growing corporate social responsibility communication through online social networking in Iran.International Journal of Organizational Analysis,24(2), pp.274-290. 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The rise of a sustainable city: much more than the wild west.Griffith Review, (47), p.131. Richards, C., Kjrnes, U. and Vik, J., 2016. Food security in welfare capitalism: Comparing social entitlements to food in Australia and Norway.Journal of Rural Studies,43, pp.61-70. Sullivan, R. and Gouldson, A., 2016. The Governance of Corporate Responses to Climate Change: An International Comparison.Business Strategy and the Environment. Swerissen, H. and Duckett, S., 2016. Chronic failure in primary care. Swoboda, B., Elsner, S. and Olejnik, E., 2015. How do past mode choices influence subsequent entry? A study on the boundary conditions of preferred entry modes of retail firms.International Business Review,24(3), pp.506-517. 2016. Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2016]. Willmott, D., 2015. Speech to law week breakfast.Brief,42(6), p.16.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Russias Entry into the World Trade Organization

Introduction Discussions of the opportunities and obstacles presented by Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been ongoing ever since the country entered into negotiations aimed at securing its membership of the world body in July 1995 (Sabelnikov 345; Afontsev 7).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Russia’s Entry into the World Trade Organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is the aim of this paper to critically discuss the opportunities and obstacles resulting from Russia’s entry into the WTO, not only for the country but also for the rest of the world. Opportunities for Russia’s Entry into the WTO Opportunities for Russia Available literature demonstrates that Russia’s accession into the WTO will not only advance the country’s opportunities to participate in international economic cooperation but will also facilitate its incorporation into the formal system of world trade and make its national economy more efficient (Sabelnikov 345). By joining the WTO, Russia will not only acquire new global trading frontiers and their advantages, but will also get access to international markets, as well as achieve non-discriminatory treatments of Russian exports into the international market (Iudaeva et al 8; Iudaeva et al 9). It is believed that WTO membership will have a positive effect on the productivity level of the Russian economy due to the increase in the importation of goods and services from other WTO countries, as well as the increase in foreign direct investment (FDI). As noted in the literature, imported products improve the quality of locally produced commodities; consequently, increased imports and FDI into the Russian economy will not only improve the quality of locally produced products but also the efficiency of producing these products (Afontsev 11). Additionally, Russian families are also bound to benefit immensely as a result of Russia’s entry into the WTO as available literature demonstrate that the decrease in tariffs, coupled with intense competition, will automatically reduce the prices of commodities and services and, as a result, trigger a decrease in annual spending for average families (Afontsev 9).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lastly, Russia is set to benefit from intellectual property protections and market economy awareness upon its entry into the WTO. Particularly, Russia is set to benefit from technology transfer from other WTO member countries, which is likely to fuel further economic growth and prosperity (Sabelnikov 348). Opportunities for the Rest of the World Russia’s entry into the WTO will not only improve access to its products and services markets by other WTO member countries (Stewart et al 1), but will also provide a ready market to products and services coming from foreign countries (Afontsev 9). On November 10, 2011, President Obama noted that Russia’s entry into the world trade body â€Å"†¦will generate more exports for American manufacturers and farmers, which in turn will support well-paying jobs in the United States† (Stewart et al 1). Additionally, according to these authors, Russia’s entry into the WTO will reduce the tariffs and other taxes imposed on commodities and services from WTO member countries. Finally, entry into the WTO will provide opportunities for international firms to invest in Russia. Obstacles for Russia’s Entry into the WTO Obstacles for Russia Russia must be ready to honor multilateral commitments and other rules and regulations governing the WTO, implying that it must grant access to the home market for foreign products, services and capital (Sabelnikov 346). Upon entry into the WTO, many foreign-based multinationals with more muscle than local companies will inject more FDI into the Russian economy and establish a presence in Russia, a scenario that may bring negative consequences for local companies by virtue of their limitation to compete on a global scale (Aslund 51). Many analysts warn that the opening of the home market to international products and services will crash Russia’s domestic agriculture, service, and industrial sectors (Yin 61).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Russia’s Entry into the World Trade Organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many Russian sectors and enterprises thrive on protectionist approaches (Aslund 50), implying that they will soon face difficulties adapting to competition in a free economy. Indeed, it is noted in the literature that many Russian corporations may soon be engulfed in deep-seated challenges as they attempt to master new rules of behavior on foreign markets (Sabelnikov 346). Russia must be ready to not only eliminate all trade barriers that it has kept for decades to protect local industries, but must also establish mechanisms for settling trade disputes recognized by international trade treaties and conventions (Yin 60). Still, on the market scene, many â€Å"†¦Russians claim that enterprises producing for the domestic market will be swamped by cheaper imports and foreign investors, while Russia will make little progress in entering foreign markets† (Yin 61). While it is not entirely true that many Russian enterprises producing for the local market will be swamped with low-value imports, it is indeed true that Russian firms may experience slow growth and challenges in international markets due to their inexperience in free market competition. Upon entry into the WTO, policy makers and mainstream commentators fear that the Russian economy will face the drawback of losses of sales and profits in competitive markets, particularly in the country†™s energy and agricultural sectors (Sabelnikov 346). Consequently, policy makers will have to find a way to ensure local industries do not close shop in the face of stiff competition from foreign establishments. Another drawback bound to hit Russia upon its entry into the WTO is the decline in the number of domestic jobs available due to stiff competition brought about by globalizing the Russian economy (Aslund 53). Indeed, some economic analysts are of the opinion that Russia may face a social crisis if it joins the WTO as it will definitely experience an increase in unemployment rates, particularly in its labor-intensive industries. Higher unemployment is also likely to occur due to the change in tariff reductions that may be demanded by the WTO (Iudaeva et al 7).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Obstacles facing the Rest of the World Other WTO member countries should also brace themselves for intense competition from Russia’s domestic companies. Available literature demonstrates that Russia is one of the largest economies (Stewart et al 2), and thus may exert considerable pressure in global markets as it compete to have a share of the market. Consequently, some organizations from less developed WTO member countries may be edged out of their traditional markets by Russia’s exports. Conclusion From the discussion, it is clear that Russia is set to benefit immensely from a WTO membership if it puts in place strategies and measures that will ensure its local industries are not adversely affected by the membership. The cumulative effects of Russia’s entry into the WTO include the promotion of economic growth through improved national and international competitiveness, enhancement of business through increased flow of goods and services, and expansion of oppo rtunities for Russian businessmen in other WTO member countries. Other WTO member countries are also set to benefit immensely from the opening of Russia’s economic landscape to the rest of the world. Works Cited Afontsev, Sergei. â€Å"The Political Economy of Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization.† Problems in Economic Transition. 46.12 (2004): 7-30. Business Source Premier. Web. Aslund, Anders. â€Å"Why doesn’t Russia Join the WTO?† Washington Quarterly. 33.2 (2010): 49-63. MasterFILE Premier. Web. Iudaeva, Ksenia, Evgeniia Bessonova, Konstantin Kozlou, Nadezhda Ivanova, Denis Sokolov Boris Belov. â€Å"Sectoral and Regional Analysis of the Consequences of Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization.† Problems of Economic Transition. 47.12 (2004): 5-67. Business Source Premier. Web. Sabelnikov, Leonid. â€Å"Russia on the Way to the World Trade Organization.† International Affairs. 72.2 (1996): 345-355. Academic Search Premier. Web. Stewart, Terence P., Patrick J. McDonough Philip A. Butler 2011, Opportunities and Challenges from Russia’s 2012 Accession to the WTO. PDF File. Web. Yin, Jason Z. â€Å"Can Russia learn from China in its Quest for WTO Entry.† The Chinese Economy. 42.3 (2009): 60-77. Academic Search Premier. Web. This term paper on Russia’s Entry into the World Trade Organization was written and submitted by user Alicia R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

5 Secrets About Independent Publisher That Will Surprise You

5 Secrets About Independent Publisher That Will Surprise You Like most blogs geared towards authors, Independent Publisher highlights events and advice that can help authors make the most of their craft. However, there are a few things that this blog does particularly well. Ill give you a brief overview here, to help you make the most of your time on the site, as well as highlighting some of the best bits; just to whet your appetite.(In) this issue offers valuable adviceThis first category of the blog is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable, as it highlights everything from book awards to literary legal terms; all fresh and recent, and conveniently presented in a user-friendly box, inset at the upper right of the homepage. If you want a quick look at a few helpful articles, then this is a good place to start. This months offerings include: the results of the groups book awards, guidance on how to turn a finished product into a bestseller, and key lessons learned from an author with fifty years of experience under his belt, all of which is invaluable.Independent Publisher offers invaluable advice to independent authors. Photo by from Pexels.As described, the articles listed in this section are timely and relevant, and most are very manageable lengths, making for quick reads (we all know how important time is these days). Here is an excerpt from author Jerry Apps article on lessons learned from his fifty years of writing:I also write what I dont know. I stay within my writing niche, and I combine what I know with what I dont know- which means I do massive amounts of research.Jerry AppsMost authors have heard the recommendation to, write what you know. In this piece, Mr. Apps also discusses the inevitability of having to write what you dont know, and the best ways to go about that. Going beyond the standard, cookie-cutter advice that is found on pretty much every blog about writing, makes Apps suggestions more salient and beneficial than the average commentary for new writers.This section is exactly what yo u would hope to find when first perusing a new literary blog; innovative, modern articles, that can be quickly scanned for relevancy, and delved into at length without taking an entire afternoon to grasp one concept. Its a great page to add to your bookmarks list.Book awards give writers marketing toolsRather than just focusing on a list of award results, this section of the blog seeks to sell you on the advantages of entering into one of the groups six award categories. The usual calendars, entry requirements, and eligibility rules are included, but then there are also links to things like, Testimonials, and, Why Enter Book Awards? given right on the first page, to guide you through the process. These articles are most advantageous to new authors, who are unfamiliar with the book award process, or even any of the benefits of applying for such programs.The following is an excerpt from the, Why Enter Book Awards, section:Are you on the fence about entering a book awards contest? Not sure if entering is worth the money and effort? Check out these six reasons why entering book awards is one of the smartest and most effective means of marketing your book.IndependentPublisher.comBy discussing the pros and cons of such an endeavor, the group will both increase the quantity and quality of their entries, as well as enticing new and jaded authors alike to give this particular contest a go. With six categories, this site offers multiple opportunities for independent authors to get the marketing boost and name recognition they need. If you have never considered applying for a book award, this page will give you a few solid reasons to reconsider.Reviews are the sites expertiseAs the title implies, this section of the blog is focused on reviews of independently published books, in a variety of genres, that both provides authors with valuable reference material, and offers a very important introduction to potential readers. True to the considerate nature of this blog, thoug h, the most salient links are right at the top of the page: How to submit your title for review, and, IP Notables. With infinite potential sources of reading material and helpful resources on the Internet, it is so refreshing to have a writers blog that gets the time constraints that are a reality of working authors.Independent Publishers blog factors in the time constraints of working authors. Photo by from Pexels.Sure, if we had limitless time, most of us would love to sit and read every book review, savoring the diverse styles, and learning great tips as we go. The reality, however, forces us to prioritize publishing, marketing, and honing our skills, in a fast-paced and competitive environment; the primary subjects and links available on this blog. With an extremely wide-ranging list of genres, most authors will have no problem finding worthwhile reviews in a suitable category, to help them stay current and tailor their technique to project requirements.As to why yo u might want to submit your work for review, the reasons are similar to those given in the awards section, and are nicely summarized in this excerpt:Winning a book award and getting a good review published are two of the best marketing tools available to the independent publisher today.IndependentPublisher.comEnough said, really; these are very handy tools to have in your marketing and publicity box.The events section is fantasticWhoever is responsible for this section of the blog is doing their homework. This is a treasure trove of workshops, conferences, courses, and book fairs, to boost and enhance every aspect of your professional writing needs. The events on this page are regularly updated, and allow for planning ones schedule in advance. Although there are not an enormous number of events listed, those that are here are of a high caliber, with gatherings listed on a global level.This page is a bit sparse on explanation, compared to the others on this site, but it makes up for it with quality postings to help you: learn new skills, network with a wide selection of industry professionals, and rub shoulders with your peers at the largest, and one of the oldest, licensing events in the industry. Take a peek at the history of the Frankfurt Book Fair, for example:The worlds largest book fair is as rich in history as it is in attendees. According to Peter Weishaas A History of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the international importance of the fair to the literary community was established by 1598, when English scholar Thomas Bodley attended with the intention of stocking the newly refounded Oxford University Library.www.IndependentPublisher.comThey had me at Bodley.In addition to being insanely rich in popularity and prestige, the Frankfurt Fair is also one of the best places to do that essential business of forging licensing and book rights deals. There is also a good deal of attention given to small and independently published books, thus the sites interest in it, which is given in this enticing overview:Indie publishers are welcome at the Independent Publishers Reading Island, a space where new releases are presented and readings held. Self-publishing is also being recognized as an emerging and incredibly important aspect of the industry; a full days worth of events and discussions will focus on topics relevant to self-publishers, and guided tours of the fair will stop at major self-publishing companies and service providers.IndependentPublisher.comTalk to any successful writer, and these types of events are likely to be a significant part of their work process.The site offers updated news related to independent publishingIn addition to the wonderful sections already discussed, there is a News, page. In truth, the inclusion of both a News and, This Issue page may be difficult to keep from being redundant in slow news cycles in the literary world; therefore, for the most recent stories and advances in independent publishing, I have to recomme nd hitting the invaluable inset for This Issue on the homepage first. There are some great articles in the News section, as well, although not as timely as the ones in the previously mentioned link.To sum up, Independent Publisher is a useful, approachable literary blog, which does an excellent job of both catering to its niche market and offering more general industry advice for authors of all stripes. The This Issue section and the Archives page, which was not previously mentioned, contain valuable resources of past articles that have appeal for a wide assortment of writers and publishers. If this blog is not on your list of go-to literary resources, it is definitely worth considering adding it.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Geology of the Appalachian Plateau

Geology of the Appalachian Plateau Stretching from Alabama to New York, the Appalachian Plateau physiographic region makes up the northwestern portion of the Appalachian Mountains. It is divided into several sections, including the Allegheny Plateau, Cumberland Plateau, Catskill Mountains and Pocono Mountains. The Allegheny Mountains and Cumberland Mountains serve as a boundary between the Appalachian Plateau and Valley and Ridge physiographic region. Although the region is characterized by areas of high topographic relief (it reaches elevations upwards of 4,000 feet), it is technically not a mountain chain. Instead, it is a deeply dissected sedimentary plateau, carved into its present-day topography by millions of years of erosion. Geologic Background The sedimentary rocks of the Appalachian Plateau share a close geologic story to those of the neighboring Valley and Ridge to the east. Rocks in both regions were deposited in a shallow, marine environment hundreds of million of years ago. Sandstones, limestones and shales formed in horizontal layers, often with distinct boundaries between them. As these sedimentary rocks formed, the African and North American cratons were moving towards each other on a collision course. Volcanic islands and terranes between them sutured onto what is now eastern North America. Africa eventually collided with North America, forming the supercontinent Pangea around 300 million years ago. This massive continent-on-continent collision formed Himalayan-scale mountains while uplifting and pushing the existing sedimentary rock far inland. While the collision uplifted both the Valley and Ridge and Appalachian Plateau, the former took the brunt of the force and therefore experienced the most deformation. The folding and faulting that affected the Valley and Ridge died out underneath the Appalachian Plateau. The Appalachian Plateau has not experienced a major orogenic event in the past 200 million years, so one might assume that the sedimentary rock of the region should have long since eroded down into a flat plain. In actuality, the Appalachian Plateau is home to steep mountains (or rather, dissected plateaus) with relatively high elevations, mass wasting events and deep river gorges, which are all characteristics of an active tectonic area. This is due to a more recent uplift, or rather a rejuvenation, from epeirogenic forces during the Miocene. This means that the Appalachians didnt rise again from a mountain building event, or orogeny, but rather through activity in the mantle or isostatic rebound. As the land rose, streams increased in gradient and velocity and quickly cut through the horizontally-layered sedimentary bedrock, shaping the cliffs, canyons, and gorges that are seen today. Because the rock layers were still horizontally layered on top of each other, and not folded and deformed like in the Valley and Ridge, the streams followed a somewhat random course, resulting in a dendritic stream pattern. Limestones in the Appalachian Plateau often contain different marine fossils, remnants of a time when seas covered the area. Fern fossils may be found in the sandstones and shales. Coal Production During the Carboniferous period, the environment was swampy and hot. The remains of trees and other plants, like ferns and cycads, were preserved as they died and fell into the standing water of the swamp, which lacked the oxygen needed for decomposition. This plant debris accumulated slowly - fifty feet of accumulated plant debris can take thousands of years to form and produce only 5 feet of actual coal - but consistently for millions of years. As with any coal-producing setting, the rates of accumulation were greater than the rates of decomposition. The plant debris continued to stack on top of each other until the bottom layers turned to peat. River deltas carried sediment eroded from the Appalachian Mountains, which had recently uplifted to great heights. This deltaic sediment covered the shallow seas and buried, compacted and heated the peat until it turned into coal. Mountaintop removal, where coal miners literally blow away the top of a mountain to get to the coal underneath, has been practiced in the Appalachian Plateau since the 1970s. First, miles of land are cleared of all vegetation and topsoil. Then, holes are drilled into the mountain and packed with powerful explosives, which when detonated can remove up to 800 feet of the mountains elevation. Heavy machinery digs away the coal and dump the overburden (extra rock and soil) into valleys. Mountaintop removal is catastrophic to the native land and harmful to nearby human populations. A few of its negative consequences include: Complete destruction of wildlife habitats and ecosystemsToxic dust from explosions causing health problems in nearby human populationsAcid mine drainage polluting streams and groundwater, destroying aquatic habitats and ruining drinking waterFailure of tailings dams, flooding large areas of land While federal law requires coal companies to reclaim all land destroyed by mountaintop removal, it is impossible to restore a landscape formed by hundreds of millions of years of unique natural processes. Places to See Cloudland Canyon, Georgia - Located in the extreme northwest corner of Georgia, Cloudland Canyon is an approximately 1,000 foot deep gorge carved out by Sitton Gulch Creek. Hocking Hills, Ohio - This area of high topographic relief, featuring caves, gorges and waterfalls, can be found about an hour southeast of Columbus. The melting of glaciers, which stopped just north of the park, carved away the Blackhand sandstone into the landscape seen today. Kaaterskill Falls, New York - Ignoring a ledge that separates the falls into an upper and lower section, Kaaterskill Falls is the highest waterfall in New York (at 260 feet high). The falls were formed from streams that developed as Pleistocene glaciers retreated from the area. Walls of Jericho, Alabama and Tennessee - This karst formation sits at the Alabama-Tennessee border, one hour northeast of Huntsville and an hour and a half southwest of Chattanooga. The Walls form a large, bowl-shaped amphitheater of limestone rock.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Answers to Evolution Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answers to Evolution Questions - Research Paper Example Population growth rate in majority of populations is very high resulting in more offspring every year than that can be supported by the local resources. This leads to a struggle for resources and in turn not all offspring survive. Differential reproduction - Those individuals with traits that are best suited to adapt to the local conditions are more likely to survive and reproduce. That is, more offspring will be contributed to the next generation by these individuals (James, 2010). The process of natural selection is one in which individuals with variations that are more favourable (to survive local conditions) than others are supported by the struggle for resources and as a result affect the population’s trait frequency (Breed & Moore, 2012). The random and gradual process of natural selection results in some traits being more common and some less common while some can be completely absent in the future generations. A change in a trait’s genetic code is called mutatio n and this gives rise to variation. Mutations happen by chance and are in no way related to adapting to local conditions. Fitness is another concept that is at the core of natural selection. Fitness is the ability of an organism to reproduce. If an organism can reproduce more than others in its species, then the genes of this species will be more common among the future generations. A recent example of natural selection is field mustard. ... An experiment conducted showed that plants from seeds of 2004 had earlier flowering times than those of 1997. Therefore, in order to survive field mustard plants had to develop the trait to flower early and they did develop this (Judson, 2008). 2. The best example of human evolution over the past 10,000 years is the evolution of the human brain. Research shows that human brain has evolved rapidly in the last 10,000 years. The reason cited for this is that natural selection might have favoured different dispositions and abilities due to increased complexity of social order and mechanics. As humans graduated from hunter-gatherer communities to farming communities, there were need for different skills and abilities such as mathematical ability and other intellectual abilities. Brain development corresponded to this through evolution (McAuliffe, 2009). Also it is argued that the development in the functioning of the hand has had an impact on brain evolution. As the functioning hand is be come more complex from manufacturing of tools to use of more sophisticated device the brain has developed more motoring abilities accordingly. That is, our hands today are more capable of fine-grained motor skills and in response brain has developed abilities to motor these skills (Ruse, 2012). Even though there isn’t much research done on this but there definitely will be effects of use of computer keyboards on the evolution of the brain. 3. A scientific theory is one which is a result of extensive research followed by experiments and observations conducted repeatedly that can be tested in the natural world. As a result of this, a scientific theory must be able to explain the observations through the development of mechanisms such as natural

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Literature Survey for - What are the benefits and costs of worker Essay

Literature Survey for - What are the benefits and costs of worker training, and who should pay for training - Essay Example Moreover, Acemoglu and Pischke argue that worker training is important especially with the ever changing technology in organizations (1999, p.2). In a bid to increase productivity and retain relevance in competitive industries, organizations have to constantly change and adopt to new technology. As a result, workers need to attend trainings on how to effectively use new technology. Studies show that highly skilled workers easily and effectively adapt to new tasks and technology compared to low skilled workers. Furthermore, highly skilled workers were found to be more innovative hence yielding better performance (Blundell, Dearden, Meghir, and Sianesi, 1999, p. 14). This implies that worker trainings ensure that the entire workforce is always in conversance with organization equipment and technology thereby maintaining high productivity. In addition, the basic education attained in institutions of higher learning and other basic education providers is arguably not enough to produce optimum results. As a result, there is need for continued worker training to impact the essential knowledge required for maximum productivity. According to Preffer and Fong a consultancy firm can produce a two-year learning experience in colleges in three weeks (qtd. in Xie and Steiner 2013, p.3). This implies that worker training can be considered more effective than the basic education learnt in schools since people already have first-hand experiences in the course of work. However, this is not to say that basic education is irrelevant but it is to lay emphasis on the need to promote and incorporate worker training in organizations. This is further emphasized by Acemoglu and Pischke who argue that ‘most lines of business require a set of skills that cannot be impacted by the basic education (1999, p. 2). This implies that for maxi mum efficiency, worker education should be incorporated

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Migratory Behavior of Mallard Ducks Essay Example for Free

Migratory Behavior of Mallard Ducks Essay There are four fundamental decisions that most animals make when it comes to mechanisms of adaptation: where to live, how to gather food, how to avoid predators, and what tactics to use to reproduce (Alcock, 1993). Habitat preferences in animals require satisfying their needs (ignoring or actively avoiding others, nutritional needs to perform growth, development and reproduction) at the same time experiencing higher fitness than those unable to settle in the favored habitat. There were also several hypothesis presented which correlates habitat preference and fitness. The seasonal dispersion of some animals like ducks is a costly business in terms of energetic expenses and risk to exposure to predators. On the other hand, considering dispersal cost, animals that do not respond to dispersion pay the price of deterioration due to the inability to adapt to the prevailing ecological conditions. Considering the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis (Ralls et. al, 1979), on ducks in particular, Mallard ducks may have migrated then for the purpose of expanding their genetic pool by interbreeding with Anas rubipes a close relative of the Anas playrynhos. The costly dispersal of Mallards may have been to avoid inbreeding depression primary of which is to circumvent the expression of damaging recessive alleles resulting from the mating of two closely related mates of the same species. This further correlates with the mate competition hypothesis (Moore and Ali, 1984), which states that males tend to fight against one another for mates therefore looser find it more energy efficient to seek closely related species to which they may successfully mate. When mating season is over, male disperses to avoid their daughters when these female become sexually mature. Animals engage into energetically exhaustive activity trying to complete the course of their journey to attain its fundamental goals. As the animal arrives to its destination, the issue of territoriality always comes to mind whenever a new species is introduced into a new environment and every time the visitor interacts with the native. While other animals ignore or tolerate the presence of a new species in its territory, others are extraordinarily aggressive in defending their territory from intruders. Territoriality among animals contributes to reproductive successes or failure to the contrary which further leads to interspecific competition. If suitable breeding sites really are short of supply, then one should be able to find non-territorial, non-breeding, individuals in populations of territorial animals. If this is so, the niche similarity of the visitors to the native may introduce interspecific competition with the available supplies. Territoriality may also influence the reproductive success of these visitors as it was found by Dhondt and Schillemans (1983). Territorial animals may invade the nesting sites of migratory birds which may lead to decreased viability and clutch. The ability of birds to fly and survive various environmental conditions has led to their development over time. Seasonal migration of mallard ducks (Anas platyrynchos) has been one of the intriguing aspects of its behavior. This behavior has been influenced mainly by several factors such as foraging (Heitmeyer, 2006), competition (Mc Auley, et al. , 2004), reproductive behaviors (Hill, 1984) which also includes the preservation of nesting sites, and interbreeding (Brodsky, 1989) and seasonal weather conditions (Ridgill, et al. , 1990 in D. Hill, 1992, Whyte Bolen, 1984, Poiani Johnson, 1991). Statement of the Problem From previous articles, it has been reported that Mallard ducks are reoccupying old territories throughout the United States and Canada (Talent, et. al. , 1983). From this observation, it can be inferred that various ecological changes in both habitat and inhabitants may take place. Since mallard ducks in this regard are annual visitors in these habitats, the temporary habitation of previous and new territories may significantly affect native animal species. With the combined hypothesis that Mallard ducks migrate from previously occupied territories due to overlapping conditions which may occupy new territories due to insufficiency of the previous, the study will assess the behavioral patterns of Mallard ducks towards returning to previous foraging territories and establishing new foraging regions (migratory routes) outside of their original habitats, specifically the study will address four major areas of concern. 1. What behavior of the Anas playrynchos determines the suitability of a habitat to be considered sufficient which helps it decide to inhabit previous foraging territories and new regions outside of their original habitats? 2. What behavioral mechanism will the Anas platyrynchos exhibit upon visiting a previous foraging territory and new regions outside of their original habitats if a highly territorial organisms was encountered upon landing? 3. What general behavioral model applies during the interaction of two closely related species (Anas rubipes and Anas platyrynchos) occupying the same niche in terms of: a. Reproductive tactics b. Foraging preferences c. Territoriality 4. What chances that the introduction of less territorial animal may cause significant adaptive stress (competitive stress) to a more territorial species? Hypotheses It is hypothesized that there is no significant differences in the previously reported behavioral mechanisms in Anas platyrynchos that helps it determine to decide on its habitat preferences. Alternatively, Anas platyrynchos establishes new migratory routes due to impending factors such as avoidance of predators, seasonal weather conditions, reproductive tactics and foraging preferences. Else, Anas platyrynchos establishes new migratory route or return to previous foraging areas due to certain conditions such as habitat destruction, scarcity of supplies needed to reproduce, and extreme territoriality between natives and migrants. Experimental Design In order to test these hypotheses, the study will be divided into two phases: the in vivo phase and in vitro phase. At the in vitro phase, groups of experimental populations of Mallard ducks will be placed in a study area which will allow observation of significant behavioral patterns relevant to foraging, reproductive tactics/quality such as mate preference, clutch size, egg size and viability, and interspecific competition. Two species of closely related species of ducks the Anas rubipes (native, will be allowed to acclimatize until such time that they one or two reproductive cycles have been achieved) and Anas platyrynchos (introduced species, will be introduced only after the native have been acclimatized well) will be situated in the same habitat which will be observed for close interaction. Behavioral patterns on mate preferences and competitive exclusion will be observed by on-site observation using a hidden observation platform. Foraging preferences will be looked upon by collection and analysis of droppings from both species. Geographical invasion of feeding territories will be looked upon by assigning quadrat areas which will be initially determined by the territorial preferences of both species of ducks. Territoriality will be measured by the number of times the more aggressive native will disturb the nesting sites of the migrants and the instance that the migrant will be driven away from a specific foraging site. Specific effects of such behavior will be measured by performing initial and final biometry of the two species of ducks. Decrease in biometric qualities from both adult and eggs would mean the inability to adapt into such competitive behavior. Possible effects of migrant foraging on native non-avian species will also be observed by recording the feeding activity of non-avian species living along the vicinity which might directly contribute to the promotion or disruption of the food chain brought about by the introduction of a new consumer. To observe the habitat preference of ducks with is natural behavior in its intact natural behavior, the in vivo phase will be done. Radio satellite transceivers will be wing banded on representative Anas platyrynchos through catch and tag method (including the alpha male) that are about to engage into seasonal journey to trace their possible destinations and stop-over. The result will be compared to previous annual migration data (20 years in succession or more depending on the available information) to establish a pattern supporting the behavioral mechanism that the ducks employ in selecting a habitat which sooth their preference. On site visitation of previously reported migration destinations will be surveyed to confirm habitation of previously occupied regions. Ecological evaluation and mapping of visited areas (stop-over and final destination) will be done and compared with other visited areas for specific pattern. Thorough monitoring of migration paths via remote sensing will be followed to confirm if ever there is a change in the migratory route. Conclusions will be based on the assessment of significant differences between the previously reported data and the novel information. Summary All in all, birds may move to various locations for survival. If the prevailing conditions decrease fitness, migratory ducks may move to different locations to continue to find food, reproduce and avoid predation. When the conditions increase fitness, these ducks will then return to their natal site where they will breed and raise their young. It may be that physical conditions and forces that govern the earth’s magnetic poles, hormonal changes, changing weather patterns or other various factors contribute to the birds urge to migrate to their seasonal habitats. For the purpose of this paper, the most important factor to be considered are the consequences to native animals belonging in the same niche brought about by abrupt or gradual changes in migratory routes and the resulting occupation of new or old territories. In the evolutionary perspective, animals are able to adapt into their environment mainly by employing specific behavioral mechanisms that would enable them to perfectly cope. At the event that an animal fails to establish equilibrium with its environment, serious complications arise. The study will better establish significant behavioral patterns in Mallard ducks which enable to blend in and adapt in variable habitats. Such adaptive behavior may serve as a key towards preserving animal species that are in danger of extinction simply because the adaptive behavior is not appropriate for survival. References Cited Alcock, John. 1993. Animal Behavior: an evolutionary approach, 5th ed. Sinauer Associates, USA. 279-379. Dhondt A. A. , and J. Schillemans. 1983. Reproductive success of the great tit in relation to its territorial status. Animal Behavior 31:902-912. Heitmeyer, M. E. 2006. The Importance of Winter Floods to Mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Journal of Wildlife Management. Vol. 70, No. 1. pp. 101-110. Hill, David. 1992. Cold Weather Movements of Waterfowls in Western Europe. The Journal of Animal Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 1. Feb. , pp. 238-239. Hill, D. A. 1984. Population Regulation in the Mallard (Anas platyrynchos). Journal of Animal Ecology. 53. pp. 191-202. Mc Auley, D. G. , et. al. 2004. Dynamic use of wetlands by black Mallards: Evidence Against Competitive Exclusion. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Vol. 32. , No. 2. pp. 465-473. Poiani, K. A. , Johnson, W. C. 1991. Global Warming and Prairie Wetlands. BioScience, Vol. 41, No. 9. Oct. pp. 611-618. Talent, L. G. , et. al. 1983. Survival of Mallard Broods in South-Central North Dakota. The Condor, Vol. 85, No. 1. Feb. , 1983, pp. 74-78. Whyte, R. J. , and Bolen, E. G. 1984. Impact of Winter Stress on Mallards Body Composition. The Condor, Vol. 86, No. 4. pp. 477-482. Moore, J. , and R. Ali. 1984. Are dispersal and inbreeding avoidance related? Animal behavior 32:94-112. Ralls, K. , et. al. 1979. Inbreeding and juvenile mortality in small populations of ungulates. Science 206: 1101-1103.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How Miller creates Dramatic Tension in Act One of The Crucible Essay

Twentieth Century Drama How does Miller create dramatic tension in Act One of "The Crucible"? "The Crucible", by Arthur Miller, focuses on Theocracy and the effect it can have on a community, as well as on an individual. From Act One, Miller creates dramatic tension in many different ways. These include dramatic irony, and sudden twists in the plot, as well as the range of emotions that Miller's characters express both frequently and eloquently. As the curtain rises, the audience are curious as to why a man who is so clearly distressed is sat over the girl, Betty, who lies motionless and 'inert' on a bed. The audience grows more curious as he calls for God to help him, and the audience are intrigued, wondering what is happening. In a direct contrast to this, the ending of the scene is loud and frantic, leaving nothing to the imagination, with all the girls screeching and accusing. The intense power that the girls? poses is intoxifying, and is illustrated when a character orders: ?Let the marshal bring irons? This shows the control these children have, if they can alter the minds of these men, persuading them to lock up innocents. This also shows the control they have over the whole community. The visual impact of the opening scene is that of a ?clean spareness?, the room only contains the bare minimum needed. This also relates to the Puritan way of life, ?vanities? were frowned upon and rooms were furnished with only what was necessary. The fact that rev. Parris is ?evidently in prayer? has religious references which, as the play goes on, are confirmed. The quote: ?There is a narrow window, through its panes the morning sunlight streams? also indicates that the room is basic ? it would seem that even lig... ...sympathy to those doomed to this fate, after doing nothing wrong, who are merely counters in Abigail?s sinister game to gain attention. When Hail orders for: ?the marshal [to] bring irons? it shows a high form of drama, as the curtain drops leaving the audience to imagine the next scene, innocent women being drawn form their families. In conclusion, I enjoyed this play, and my reaction was enhanced by the dramatic tension Miller creates in so many ways. The unexpected twists and use of dramatic irony help to keep the audience?s attention, while the sub-plot of rivalry adds interest and also reflects the main plot. The abrupt ending of act one, reflects the abrupt ending of the play as a whole, leaving the remainder to the imagination. Ending like these force viewers to envision what would follow, and, once again this all adds to the dramatic tension.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Effects Of Parenting On Education In Lilongwe Education Essay

Birds are creatures that love and care for their immature 1s really much. Get downing from the clip a bird lays eggs ; it takes good attention of its immature 1s and protects them from any danger. As if that is non plenty, when it has hatched it fetches nutrient for the immature 1s. As they grow the bird female parent teaches the small 1s how to wing and besides to be independent to happen nutrient on their ain for themselves. It teaches them how to fly from danger and besides how to tie in with other birds. If birds get involved in the life of its immature 1s, protect and supply for its demands and learn them to be independent, what more human existences? Do parents acquire personally involved in the instruction of their kids? Or should the whole duty of instruction be left in the custodies of instructors? In Malawi, many factors affect how the pupils perform in school and the quality of instruction they are suppose to acquire in secondary schools. Peers, socioeconomical position, and background are some of the factors that affect public presentation and quality of instruction in secondary schools of Malawi. Due to these factors, pupils in secondary schools need a assisting manus in their instruction. Teachers play the function of learning and developing them but this research worker thinks that parents and defenders have a function to play every bit good. The duty of guaranting that the public presentation and quality of instruction is bettering in secondary schools of Lilongwe ; lies in the custodies of non merely the instructors but besides parents and defenders. This research is dedicated to happening out if parental engagement has an consequence on public presentation and quality of instruction in secondary schools of Lilongwe territory.BackgroundThe research worker bases her attack on the fact that a household does non merely have a map of bearing kids but besides child rise uping which include supplying for their basic demands and most of all get involved in their instruction. In Malawi, many households believe that the minute they have given birth to a kid, their occupation is done. Particularly in small towns, many households do non care about their kids ‘s instruction, whether they go to school or non. Education is a tool to success and it is really of import in the lives of kids and even the coevalss to come. A Brighte r hereafter of kids is built through instruction ; it builds them to what they want to be in future. For parents to acquire personally involved in instruction brings great impact on instruction itself and the kids. Supplying school fees and necessities is non plenty, parents can make more than merely supplying these. If a household decides to educate their kids, they must acquire ready to be personally involved in every measure of the kids ‘s school. The inquiry is ; make households acquire involved in educating their kids? What difference does it do?HypothesisThe research worker thinks that personal engagement of parents has positively impacted instruction in secondary schools of Lilongwe by bettering its quality and how pupils perform.Problem StatementThe duty of educating the kids does non wholly depend on instructors but besides parents. Lilongwe territory has secondary school instructors who guarantee that criterions of instruction are bettering now and so. On the other m anus, there are besides parents who have kids making secondary school instruction. Parents work with the secondary school instructors in the undermentioned countries: school direction, look intoing the acquisition environment and execution of the course of study. Despite parents assisting instructors in the above countries ; the instruction criterions in most of the secondary schools in Lilongwe are traveling down every bit evidenced by the consequences of both the Junior Certificate of Education ( JCE ) and Malawi School Certificate of Education ( MSCE ) . The jobs ensuing from many pupils neglecting may include: most parents either populating in rural or urban countries of Lilongwe District do non care about the instruction of their kids. In every bit much as they provide demands for the kids, they do non personally acquire involved in it. However, it is the duty of parents to take note of how their kids are executing at school and parents should work manus in manus with the instructors in this exercising. This is why this survey seeks solicit positions from parents if they are involved in the instruction of their kids and if they are non, happening ways on how they can be involved.Purpose of StudyThis survey is dedicated to happening if engagement of parents has an consequence on the public presentation and quality of instruction in Lilongwe territory.Purposes and AimsThe purpose is to measure how parenting impacts instruction in Lilongwe territory with the aims of happening out how parents get involved in instruction, detect jobs th at hinder parental engagement on instruction and the impact that parental engagement has on instruction.Significance of the StudyThis research is traveling to assist pupils in secondary schools of Lilongwe territory ; parents and instructor to admit the impact that parental engagement has on instruction and how they can work together to back up acquisition, for the pupils to make better in school.Chapter 2LITERATURE REVIEWThe research worker bases her attack on the fact that a household has maps of kid bearing, kid raising, and socialisation. Mrs. Banda, a lector at African Bible College defined socialisation as the procedure by which individuals get cognition, accomplishments and temperament that make them more or less incorporate members of society. A household has duty of tie ining new members to suit into the community that they are to be found. One of the communities that new members will be found in is a school and a preparation topographic point. George Knight ( 2006 ) in his book of Philosophy and Education said that. â€Å" The school is merely one society ‘s agents for acquisition, instruction, and preparation. The household, media, equal group, and church are some of other establishments that portion this duty. † ( p. 12 ) . The procedure by which a household takes a duty of tie ining new members into the community is called rearing. One of the of import sectors that parenting has a greater impact is instruction. Jeff white a professor at African Bible College while learning Philosophy of Education Class stated that instruction is a directed acquisition. The first topographic point where a new member of a household gets instruction is in a household through the procedure of parenting. Jay Kesler ( 1997 ) in his book called ‘Parents and Teenagers ‘ said that. â€Å" Properly understood, the household and school signifier a partnership. Schools become bad or less good when parents are non involved. † ( p.628 ) . A household plays a great function in the instruction of kids for they work manus in manus in tie ining new members into a peculiar society. Education is a tool to success and it is really of import in the lives of kids and even coevalss to come. A Brighter hereafter of kids is built through instruction ; it builds them to what they want to be in future. For parents to acquire personally involved in instruction makes it more of import and it has a great impact on instruction itself and even the kids, supplying accoutrements for school and supplying basic demands for the kids is non plenty, parents can make more than merely supplying necessities. If a household has decided to educate their kids, so they must acquire ready to be personally involved in it. The inquiry is ; make households acquire personally involved in educating their kids? What difference does it do? McCain and Mustard ( 1999 ) stated that school systems work with the kids who come into them. The quality of kids ‘s lives before get downing formal instruction greatly influences the sort of scholars they can be. Of class many elements go into doing a quality scholar. These include: healthy, early childhood experiences and place support. For illustration on early childhood psychosocial development experiences ; surveies that were done showed that positive early experiences and interactions are critical to fixing a quality scholar. A big survey that was conducted in 12 Latin American states found that attending at twenty-four hours attention coupled with higher degrees of parental engagement that includes parents to immature kids is associated with higher trial tonss and lower rates of grade repeat in primary school ( Willms, 2000 ) . Evidence from the Philippines, Srilanka and Turkey, has shown that kids who participate in early interaction plans do better in primary school th an those who do non profit from formal early kid plans and surveies from India, Morocco and Latin America demonstrated that disadvantaged kids benefit the most from such programmes ( UNICEF, 1998 ) . Furthermore, Ansu Datta ( 1984 ) stated that, the modern-day issues refering household and instructions are: parents in rural countries depend on household for endurance therefore it is difficult for them to be involved instruction. Parents in urban countries are busy at work and they find it hard to acquire involved in instruction ( Datta, 1984, p.215 ) . Therefore, this undertaking will look much at the manner in which parents get involved in instruction in Lilongwe territory and how each manner aid in bettering the quality of instruction. The decision of a recent study from southwest educational development research lab stated that when schools, households and community groups work together to back up acquisition, kids tend to make better in school and like school more. Another research of parent engagement over the decennary finds that, irrespective of household income or background, pupils with involved parents are likely to: Earn higher classs and trial tonss, and enroll in higher-level plans Be promoted, pass their categories and earn credits Attend school on a regular basis Have better societal accomplishments, show improved behavior, and adapt good to school and Alumnus and travel on to post secondary instruction ( Henderson & A ; Mapp, 2002, p. 103 ) On the other manus, other researches on parental engagement on instruction show that schools must besides play a function in promoting parental engagement on instruction. Harmonizing to the research by The National Network of Partnership Schools, it shows that parents who are involved in their kids ‘s instruction do non make it right. As a consequence, their attempt to be involved in instruction is nonmeaningful since it does non do any difference on the quality of instruction and on the public presentation of the pupils. Therefore, they suggested a model of six types of parental engagement that schools can utilize to steer their attempts. It says schools can: aid households with parenting and child-rearing accomplishments Communicate with households about school plans and pupils advancement and demands Work to better enlisting preparation, and agendas to affect households as voluntaries in school activities Encourage households to be involved in larning activities at place Include parents as participants in of import school determinations and the community ( Epstein, 2001 ) Ramirez Laura ( 2009 ) in his book of Children Native American Wisdom and Parenting recognized the importance of parental engagement and its effects on instruction. Nevertheless, Ramirez thought that there are some grounds that hinder parents to efficaciously acquire involved in their kids ‘s instruction. She states that, â€Å" aˆÂ ¦Another ground your kids might non see the demand for you to be involved in his/her instruction is because you are busy with calling and other day-to-day jobs or go toing the place. You do n't recognize that does non run into the attending demand of the kids, † ( Ramirez, 2009, p.23 ) . Any attending that parents may give towards their kids ‘s instruction has a great consequence.THE EFFECTS OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ON CHILDREN ‘S HOMEWORKDobson James ( 1979 ) in his book ‘ The Strong Willed Child ‘ gives and illustration of a kid that parental engagement became of aid to him after her female parent neglected her t hat chance for some clip. Dobson writes that, â€Å" †¦ During the conversation bonnie reveals that she does n't wish school anyhow, and she would instead remain place and drama. † As the narrative continues Bonnie ‘s female parent decided to assist with Bonnies ‘s prep and any school work that was supposed to be done at place. After that Bonnie public presentation at school improved and this is what Bonnie said, â€Å" †¦ . school is fun and if offers to assist me make my prep every twenty-four hours, I will remain in school. † ( Dobson, 1979, Pp.167-170 ) . The smallest attending that parents may offer to their kids ‘s instruction, counts a batch towards the attitude that the kids will hold for school.THE EFFECTS OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN THE CHILDREN ‘S SCHOOL ACTIVITIES AND MEETINGSFurthermore, the engagement of parents in school activities and meetings are besides of import because it shows how much they are concerned with their kids ‘s instruction and how they perform at school. Phillips, Wiener & A ; Haring ( 1965 ) in the book ‘Discipline, Achievement and Mental Health ‘ provinces that the demand to work with parents is normally considered cardinal to the betterment of the kid ‘s behavior from the classroom-or clinic, medical, youth organisation, or any other-point of position. Parents may change widely in their grade of penetration, intelligence, motive, or amenability, but they have far more immediate uninterrupted impact on the kid ‘s life than anyone else. They can non be ignored in the effectual solution of the job any longer than in its diagnosing. On the whole we have found parents to be sensible and effectual helpers to the instructor in work outing schoolroom jobs, merely as Psychotherapists normally find them indispensable participants in the intervention procedure. ( Phillips, Wiener & A ; Haring, 1965, Pp. 116-117 ) .Significance OF PARENTS ‘ INVOLVEMENT IN PROVIDING SCHOOL ACCESSORIES TO THEIR CHILDRENSupplying for the kids ‘s accoutrements for school is one manner of parents acquiring involved in the instruction. As stated above that a household does non merely have a function of bearing kids but besides taking attention of them. Supplying for their demands is one manner of taking attention of them and portion of household direction and this has an consequence on instruction. Santrock John ( 2004 ) in his book of Educational Psychology states that, â€Å" Research workers have found that household direction patterns are positively related to pupils ‘ class and ego duty, and negatively to school-related jobs. † Furthermore, Santrock states that, â€Å" Even though parents typically spend less clip with their kids as through simple and secondary school, they continue to hold a strong influence on kids ‘s development by supplying for their demands. Parents besides influence whether kids take part in such activ ities as athleticss, music and other activities by the extent to which they sign up their kids to such activities and promote their engagement. † ( Santrock, 2004, Pp. 84-85 ) . Despite parents being involved in assorted ways as stated above, but Santrock ( 2004 ) continues to state that, although kids grow up in diverse households, in virtually every household parents play an of import function in back uping and exciting kids ‘s academic accomplishment and attitude towards school. The value parents topographic point on instruction can intend the difference in whether kids do good in school. Experienced instructors know the importance of acquiring parents involved in kids ‘s instruction. All parents, even those with considerable instruction, need annually counsel from instructors in how to stay productiveness involved in their kids ‘s instruction. ( Santrock, 2004, p. 84 ) . One research on Parental Involvement on instruction ( 2004 ) concluded that about all parents want their kids to win in school, but need clear and utile information from their kids ‘s instructors and from other schools and territory leaders in order to assist their kids develop their full potency. For illustration, sometimes parents inquire their kid, â€Å" how was school today? † We know that may stop with the kid reacting â€Å" all right † or â€Å" Okay † and non much more. Parents should be guided, alternatively, to inquire their kid, â€Å" Would you read to me something you wrote today? † or â€Å" could you demo me something you learned in math today? † ( Anguiano, 2004, P, 89 ) . Santrock in contrasting the survey made by 16,000 pupils stated that, â€Å" The pupils were more likely to acquire ‘As ‘ and less likely to reiterate a class or be expelled if both parents were extremely involved in their schooling ( National Center for Educational Statistics, 1997 ) . In this survey, high engagement was defined as the parent engagement in three or four of the followers: school meetings, a instructor conference, a category meeting, or volunteering. Other surveies have found that pupils ‘ classs and academic accomplishment are linked to parental engagement ( Epstein, 2005 ; Sheldon & A ; Epstein, 2005 ) .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Global Civil Society Essay

Over the years the civil societies have increasingly played a major role in global governance. Their involvement has attracted a lot of attention where people are skeptical about what are global civil societies. The rate at which the global civil societies are emerging as well as their political role in the globe has received a lot of attention from scholars around the world. The big question has always been how the global social society which includes the social movement and not governmental organization can form a coalition and influence the global policies. Studies have also been focused on empirical as well as the normative perspective of the global civil societies. The normative perspective of these studies focus on whether the role of the global civil society is legitimate. Whether the global civil societies have a role in making global policies and policy making democratic has been the big question (Hofmann, 2005). With the current globalization and deregulation, the role of non governmental organizations and civil movement is becoming increasingly important in the making of global policies. There is increasingly high number of key policies directly affecting a country that is made outside the state where the process is likely to be undemocratic. For this reason many of the scholars view global civil society as a potential force that is essential in making the globalization process more civilized and democratic (Colas, 2002). Global Civil Society Over the years, the meaning of civil society and their political influence has varied from time to time. Moreover, they also vary theoretically and activities undertaken from place to place. While today civil societies are separate from the states, the political thought in the 16th century did not separate the civil societies from the state. In the 17th century, civil societies included profit making organization which is not the case today. The global civil society can be seen as the political space where nonprofit making organization voluntarily and deliberately influences the governance of the society. The voluntary and deliberate acts of the civil societies influence the rules which include the policies, norms and structures that are essential in the governance of the society. The actions of the civil societies focus on both the formal and informal structures in the society. For example, they may focus on the legislation as well as the gender roles in the society or the general social order (Scholte, 2002). However, it is difficult to draw a line between the voluntary activities that influence governance and formal or market activities. For example, some civil societies are involved in the implementation of formal policies while some others are involved in business activities to raise money that is used in the funding of their campaigns. Moreover, there many cases of government and cooperate organization that have incorporated some civil societies. In pure terms, the activities of civil societies should not include or be related to quest for power which excludes political parties from the list or any monetary gains which excludes cooperate organizations and commercial media houses. The civil society therefore has several actors which includes academic institution civil movements, social advocates, lobby groups faith based organization, human rights advocates and social networks. Philanthropic organizations and organization that profit humanitarian aids are also civil societies (Scholte, 2002). However, political scientists have been skeptical about the definition of global civil society. Some scholars have disagreed with the general assumption that all civil societies that operate in different countries can be termed as global civil societies. These scholars have argued that considering transnational civil societies as global civil society is an attempt to include all non governmental organizations operating transitionally in the bracket. This will include the quasi Christian movements which are the remnants of missionaries from Europe operating in different parts of the world. These skeptics have suggested that global civil societies those civil organizations uphold universal values in the globalizing world while effectively using globalization to promote universal values. They view global civil societies as movements and organizations that use globalization to universalize the world (Anderson & Rieff, 2004). Some political scientists have also been skeptical about the values symbolized by global civil societies and their supporters. Rather that taking democracy as the basic value in the society, majority of the global civil societies appear to have taken human rights as the basic society value. Despite this the democracy in the world is greatly dependent on the role of the global civil societies. As the civil societies promote human rights, it is important to note the loopholes for human rights violation created by the democracy deficit that is present in many parts of the world. However, it is indisputable that although the global civil societies have focused on promotion of human rights, they have played an important role in the support of democracy. Some people have argued that the civil societies have concentrated more on human rights in the global society at the expense of democracy but it is evident that the two values complement each other and are both indispensable in every society (Anderson & Rieff, 2004). Examples of global civil societies that have taken an active role in global governance are the non governmental organizations. These organizations were not active in the world affairs until the United Nations was founded in 1945. The formation of the United Nations introduced provisions that made private civil organizations stronger and formal as well as enhancing the role of the role of the United Nations in the social and economic affairs of the world. There are numerous organizations all over the world that are described as non governmental organizations. Some of them operate as transnational organization while other operates at the national level. However, these non governmental organizations have fundamental characteristics. They are all independent from political influence or control by the state. There are other characteristics that exclude some organization from NGOs such as political parties, profit making organizations, and criminal groups. These conditions must be met for the organization to be recognized by the United Nations as a non governmental organization. However, some recognized non governmental organizations have been linked to political parties while many others are involved in commercial activities such as selling publications and consultancy to generate income. Nonetheless, there are no cases where non governmental organizations are incorporated in the government bureaucracy, in political parties or commercial organizations. NGOs therefore are organizations that work together with a common goal and do not aim at attaining political power, accumulating wealth or being involved in criminal activities (Willets, 2006). Global Governance Global governance is one of the most important aspects of the modern world as a result of globalization. It is a political and social interaction between nationals and societies of the world with an aim of developing solutions to the problems facing a particular society or state as a result lack of compliance. Global governance has also been referred to as world governance. In the modern world, no societies can life under social and political exclusion from the rest of the world. The world societies are becoming more and more interdependent with the rise of globalization which is as a result of human societies interrelating with each other especially in international trade. This has created the need for global governance in the context of the global world which stipulates the regulations that govern the society at the global scale (Scholte, 2005). In simple terms, global governance is a stipulation of regulations that are set to organize different groups of people on a global scale. Historically, governance could not be separated from political authority and political institutions. The traditional definition of governance is based on the formal political institutions that organizes the relations between different societies and has the authority to enforce and implement policies. A formal global government with political structures and authority may not exist for global governance. Some scholars have therefore suggested that global governance is the act of managing the global affairs without a global formal government. It is a well organized cooperation between societies of the world with concrete arrangement used in solving problems. Many organizations are involved in global governances which includes principally the United Nations and global civil societies. Global governance involves formal institutions and processes as well as informal mechanisms and institutions that work together in complex environment. The collective interests of different societies, individuals, markets, nationals and organizations are articulated in the global governance while upholding the rights and obligations of individuals (Weiss, 1998). Democracy has been an important principle that governs the global governance. Democracy determines whether the exercise of power as well as the sources of power is legitimate. Legitimate exercise of power is mandated by the people being governed who have the democratic rights to determine how they will be governed. Moreover, the individuals or institutions that are given the political powers should be worth the confidence the society places on them. Democracy is important in the global governance to reduce the possibility of leaving important decisions affecting the world societies the world to some international undemocratic institutions which may not be legitimate. Global governance requires some levels of representation of the global societies from different states or administrative units who are elected directly by the society members to represent their interests. More importantly the role of global civil societies that promote human rights and democracy by influencing policy making is important in global governance (Scholte, 2007). The development of international organizations as a result of global governance has introduced vicious institutions in the world that make important decisions affecting the world societies. This has created some inadequacies in the ability of the global governance to meet the needs of the world society. This is basically due to absence of morality, economic powers, legal foundations, democracy and good leadership. The lack of adequate legitimacy due to lack of legal foundations is the major challenge that affects the ability of global governance to organize and manage the world societies. The inadequacies in global governance are an impediment to the ensuring fair play in the world with the rise of globalization 9 Van Rooy, 2004). Examples of global governance agencies include the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization among others. These organizations were formed with the mandate of management of the social, economic and political affairs of the global world (Scholte, 2004). Global Civil Societies and Global Governance Democracy and accountability of any form of governance is essential. The case is not different in global governance. In governance guided by the principles of democracy and accountability, the leaders are answerable to their subjects for their good and bad acts. When democratic leaders perform well in their governance, they are supported by the general public. On the other hand, they are responsible for their errors and owe an explanation to the public which may force them to resign from office. However, there has been very little democracy and accountability when the arrangements in the global governance are considered. Over the years there has been unprecedented increase in the laws and institutions that affects societies in all over the world or in a given region of the world. Despite the increase in transnational policies, there regulation mechanisms are ineffective or inexistence. There is no democracy in the running of suprastate policies and institutions nor are the leaders accountable (Scholte, 2000). With this regard, there is a common belief that the global civil societies can save the situation. The world society who have been in one way or another affected by global governance due to lack of democracy and effectiveness believes that their help can only come from the organizations such as the united nations, the world trade organization and other global institutions that can influence the formulation and implementation of global policies. The disadvantages societies have also laid their hopes on global civil societies such as community based organizations, religious groups, think tanks, social and economic forums, trade unions, professional organizations and NGOs to increase their involvement in global governance (Wolf, 2006). Over the years, the civil societies have played an important role in influencing governance in the society. As the world changes the system of governance is also changing into a polycentric structure with the global and regional governance, state and substate governance. This has resulted into redirection of civil societies efforts from the traditional governance at the state level to other sites that have emerged in the complex society. The rise of globalization has made global governance inevitable which has created new needs for institutional accountability (Fraser, 2005). The involvement of global civil society in global governance has become an essential role of the civil society. A very good example is the anti globalization movement that protested against the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank, think tanks and forums that have proposed various changes in the global economy as well as human right movements that have advocated for the enhancement of arms controls across the borders and management of conflicts in different parts of the world. An important role has also been played by women associations who have made numerous attempts with much success in the promotion on of gender sensitivity in the global society. In the rise of global environmental degradation, it is important to note the role of environmental movements who have played an important role in the formulation and implementation of strict global environmental regulations. Trade unions have also played an important role in the promotion of international standards in the workplace. There are a large number of civil societies that are involved in the promotion of health and development and have taken an active role in the management of funds allocated to healthcare. There are also involved in the control of diseases that are considered as transworld which includes Aids, malaria and other epidemics that require global attention. There are other global civil societies that are directly involved in global governance arrangements that affect vulnerable groups such as women, children and the consumers (Scholte, 2004). Majority of the global governance institutions and agencies have realized the importance of global civil society in effectively carrying out their roles and have devised different mechanisms that are intended to accommodate the civil societies initiatives. Many of the global governance structures have developed channels that improve communication with the public through their websites and other communication channels that are aimed at addressing the concerns raised by civil societies. The result has been more accountability and transparency as the global governance agencies release more and more information to the public through the civil societies. As a method of promoting democracy within, these agencies have created room for the participation of civil societies and interest groups in their activities including workshops and conferences. Briefings to the civil societies, appointment of liaison officials from the civil societies and adoption of guidelines in personnel recruitment as stipulated by interest civil group has also increased accountability in global governance. Some global governance bodies have had formal arrangement to incorporate civil societies and interest groups in the management of their affairs where they include them in their advisory boards and the process making and implementation processes (Scholte, 2004). An example of an active involvement of civil societies in the global governance is the briefing of the International Monetary Fund to over one thousand global civil society through a quarterly newsletter. This ensures that the regulatory body is accountable and effective in carrying out its mandate. The World Bank also ensures that the information on the activities of the agency is freely accessible especially to interest civil groups and the general public. The united nation is the largest and most influential global governance agency in the world. In every United Nations global summit, the views of the civil society is put into consideration with them holding a parallel forum in every summit. Notable global civil society includes the Non Governmental Liaison Service which works with different institutions in the United Nations and the International Labor Organization which represents workers organizations and trade unions. In the years 2003, the World Trade Organization noted the important role played by civil societies and appointed a civil society advisory board (Scholte, 2004). The civil societies have played an important role in the promotion of accountability, effectiveness and democracy in global governance. They have played an important role in the promotion of transparency in the global governance formal and informal structures (Rhodes 1997). They promote democratic governance by pressing the agencies to disclose more information on their activities. This has increased public visibility through mass media, publications and websites which makes these agencies more accountable for their activities. Civil societies not only advocate for transparency of global governance agencies but also effective transparency. They understand that releasing the information to the public is one thing and understanding the details is another thing (Scholte et al, 1999). Monitoring and review of global governance policy is also an important role of the civil societies in ensuring effective, accountable and democratic governance. They act as the public watchdogs in the formulation and implementation of the policies. They ensure that the agencies comply with the stipulated guidelines, the official resolutions and declarations. They have also been involved in the review of global governance policies and how they affect different societies of the world. These reviews have been instrumental in uncovering incompetent implementers, shortfalls and the dangers associated with such policies. The civil societies have also played a role in ensuring that the global governance structures and policies do not result into ethnic strife and uprising. This in many cases may result from the dissatisfaction of some society with the distribution and misuse of resources from global governance agencies such as the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. The civil society has also created channels through which different societies can forward their concerns, promoted formal accountability and in general advanced democracy in global governance (Scholte, 2004). Conclusion The global societies have played an important role in the promotion of democracy in the national as well as the global governance. However, political scientists are skeptical about the definition of global civil societies. In the current wave of globalization, global governance has become an important phenomenon due to the need to organize the world society as a result of interdependence. The role of the civil society is therefore essential in ensuring that the activities of the governance agencies are effective, accountable and democratic. Bibliography: Anderson, K. and Rieff, D. (2004) ‘â€Å"Global Civil Society†: A Skeptical View’, in Anheier, Helmut, Marlies Glasius and Mary Kaldor (2004) (eds. ). Global Civil Society 2004/5. London: Sage. Colas, A. (2002) International Civil Society, Polity Press, Cambridge Fraser, N. (2005) ‘Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World’, New Left Review, 36; pp. 69-88. Hofmann, J. (2005) â€Å"(Trans-) Formations of Civil Society in Global Governance Contexts – Two case studies on the problem of self-organization†, in: Gunnar Folke Schuppert (Hrsg. ): Global Governance and the Role of Non-State Actors, Band 2 der Reihe „Schriften zur Governance-Forschungâ€Å", Nomos-Verlag: Baden-Baden Karns, M. & Mingst, K. (2004). International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance, Lynne Rienner, Boulder. Rhodes, R. A. W. 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