Thursday, November 14, 2019

How Miller creates Dramatic Tension in Act One of The Crucible Essay

Twentieth Century Drama How does Miller create dramatic tension in Act One of "The Crucible"? "The Crucible", by Arthur Miller, focuses on Theocracy and the effect it can have on a community, as well as on an individual. From Act One, Miller creates dramatic tension in many different ways. These include dramatic irony, and sudden twists in the plot, as well as the range of emotions that Miller's characters express both frequently and eloquently. As the curtain rises, the audience are curious as to why a man who is so clearly distressed is sat over the girl, Betty, who lies motionless and 'inert' on a bed. The audience grows more curious as he calls for God to help him, and the audience are intrigued, wondering what is happening. In a direct contrast to this, the ending of the scene is loud and frantic, leaving nothing to the imagination, with all the girls screeching and accusing. The intense power that the girls? poses is intoxifying, and is illustrated when a character orders: ?Let the marshal bring irons? This shows the control these children have, if they can alter the minds of these men, persuading them to lock up innocents. This also shows the control they have over the whole community. The visual impact of the opening scene is that of a ?clean spareness?, the room only contains the bare minimum needed. This also relates to the Puritan way of life, ?vanities? were frowned upon and rooms were furnished with only what was necessary. The fact that rev. Parris is ?evidently in prayer? has religious references which, as the play goes on, are confirmed. The quote: ?There is a narrow window, through its panes the morning sunlight streams? also indicates that the room is basic ? it would seem that even lig... ...sympathy to those doomed to this fate, after doing nothing wrong, who are merely counters in Abigail?s sinister game to gain attention. When Hail orders for: ?the marshal [to] bring irons? it shows a high form of drama, as the curtain drops leaving the audience to imagine the next scene, innocent women being drawn form their families. In conclusion, I enjoyed this play, and my reaction was enhanced by the dramatic tension Miller creates in so many ways. The unexpected twists and use of dramatic irony help to keep the audience?s attention, while the sub-plot of rivalry adds interest and also reflects the main plot. The abrupt ending of act one, reflects the abrupt ending of the play as a whole, leaving the remainder to the imagination. Ending like these force viewers to envision what would follow, and, once again this all adds to the dramatic tension.

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