Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sales Pitch Wk 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sales Pitch Wk 7 - Essay Example Raise the proposal continuously? The proposal could be raised continuously through two approaches: by monitoring the performance of proposed changes and reporting the outcome to management; and by elevating the matter to senior management through performance reports to propose wider target markets (additional schools and universities), as deemed necessary. Package the issue incrementally? Packaging the proposed new product incrementally could mean recommending increasing either the volume, product sizes, or product variants to the target market depending on performance and demand. Tie it to profitability? Bundling techniques mean linking the proposed change to other ideas or issues. In this case, a proposal to market new products to schools, for instance could be tied to profitability by proving to management that the pro-forma financial statements would indicate profits of so much if the projected volume would be sold in a particular time period. Tie it to market share or organizational image? Tying the proposed launching of a new product to market share or organizational image simply means that by targeting children, the market share of the organization would increase by, say 10 to 20% within the defined time frame. The effect would boost organizational image as patronizing a new product through children in school have potentials for brand retention and repurchase. Tie it to concerns of key stakeholders? Key stakeholders include shareholders (who would benefit from increased profits and returns), employees (would be motivated with good financial performance), consumers (needs would be satisfied), community (a healthy product would benefit the community in terms of emphasizing proper nutrition that would be derived from the new product which is needed for child development). Tie it to other issues? The new product could be tied to corporate responsibility and environmental protection. The proposed product must use environmentally promoted packaging

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